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Questions/Comments Empty Questions/Comments

Post  JennAyNay (Creator) Tue Feb 16, 2010 9:55 am

If you have any questions or comments concerning about this forum, this thread allows you to ask away. Just reply to this thread.
JennAyNay (Creator)
JennAyNay (Creator)

Posts : 86
Join date : 2010-02-03
Age : 35
Location : Ohio

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Questions/Comments Empty Re: Questions/Comments

Post  JennAyNay (Creator) Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:17 pm

I have been receiving the same question. "Why won't my signature show up?"

Well, first you need to use the IMG code link if you are using a picture. Then save it. Once the signature is saved, go to you're profile and click the preference tab and near the bottom it will say something like "always show you're signature" make sure you have that checked otherwise it will not work. That's all you have to do. Hopefully this will clear that question. If you are still having problems, let me know. Smile
JennAyNay (Creator)
JennAyNay (Creator)

Posts : 86
Join date : 2010-02-03
Age : 35
Location : Ohio

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